Representation at European level
BIPAR is recognised as the representative body for European insurance and financial intermediaries by all relevant European and international institutions and authorities. It is regularly consulted by these institutions on all issues concerning the insurance sector. BIPAR, in cooperation with its national associations, monitors the activities of these institutions and intervenes whenever necessary to explain, promote and defend the legitimate interests of insurance and financial intermediaries. BIPAR, with its permanent structure and in cooperation with its national member associations, has over the years proven to be an efficient and effective platform for dialogue between the European institutions’ policymakers and the sector. BIPAR is also a platform to develop coordinated actions in the interest of the European community of insurance and financial intermediaries.
Support at national level
National member associations and BIPAR cooperate in the implementation process of EU legislation into national law. The combined know-how allows national associations and BIPAR to play an important role in ensuring a harmonised application or a correct understanding throughout the EU of legal rules affecting the profession.
Information Platform
BIPAR possesses a unique know-how in issues related directly or indirectly to insurance and financial intermediation. Together with national member associations throughout Europe and thanks also to its close contacts to the wider world through the World Federation of Insurance Intermediaries, BIPAR is in a unique position to inform its national member associations and the European practitioners on developments.
International Affairs
Two parallel evolutions - globalisation and the growing importance of EU affairs for any European intermediary - made BIPAR decide in early 1999 to focus exclusively on European affairs and to set up, in cooperation with regional structures from the other continents, a new federation called the World Federation of Insurance Intermediaries (WFII). As a result, BIPAR is a leading member of a global network of associations of intermediaries. International public affairs (related to WTO, OECD, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, …) for the intermediaries sector are looked after by WFII.