Apart from the BIPAR staff at the Permanent Secretariat, all chairs and members of committees and working groups provide their services on a voluntary basis and are not remunerated by BIPAR. Transparency vis-à-vis its members, the efficiency and coordination of the activities and efforts of BIPAR committees are guaranteed by annual activity plans. All major strategic decisions are submitted for vote to its supreme decision-making body, the General Assembly, which traditionally convenes annually in one of the countries where a BIPAR member association is domiciled. BIPAR is financed by membership dues from its national member associations.
Governing Board
BIPAR activities are governed by its Governing Board, a Management Committee and a Steering Committee.
GOVERNING BOARD (June 2024-June 2025):
- Nicolas Bohême, Chair
- Dominique Sizes, Vice-Chair
- Yorck Hillegaart, Vice-Chair
- Onno Paymans, Secretary General
- Christoph Berghammer, Treasurer
The MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE is composed of the members of the Governing Board and of the following 2 members:
- Paul Carty, Chair of the EU Affairs Committee
- Jean-François Mossino, Chair of the Agents' Committee
The STEERING COMMITTEE is composed of the members of the Governing Board, the Management Committee and of the following members (June 2024-June 2025):
- Gerald Archangeli
- Gunnar Hökmark
- Steve Sartor
- Roger van der Linden (Chair of the Brokers‘ Committee)
- David Wahli
- Juan Ramón Plá
- Martina De Besi
- Andrea Corbella
Standing Committees
- EU Affairs Committee chaired by Paul Carty
- Agents' Committee chaired by Jean-François Mossino
- Brokers' Committee chaired by Roger van der Linden
Permanent Secretariat team
- Nic De Maesschalck, Director
- Isabelle Audigier, Legal Director
- Rebekka De Nie, EU Policy Manager
- Roxanne Steyaert, Legal Advisor
- Aruna Manickam, Translator/Communication assistant
- Katrien Vandecasteele, Office & Event Manager